Patrick ~ Alexis ~ Clayton ~ Maecie ~ Lucie

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Imaginary Friends and Cranky Bedtimes

So my sweet, imaginative little boy has imaginary friends! Clayton actually has quite a few... their names are Bodo, Hummingbird, Robot, and Boys. They aren't always around, but when he gets bored or wants to "get away" with something, they are right beside him.

Today, for example, he played hide and go seek with them. Apparently they hid and he went around the house and found them. It was kind of funny to watch.

Nothing that he has done makes me worry about him having these "friends". I'm pretty sure they are normal. Has anyone ever really worried about imginary friends? I think it's so cute and just goes to show how inventive he can be. And at the same time, shows how much he needs to have friends to play with!

On the other hand, there is his sweet little sister, Maecie. She has been an awesome baby with little to no problems. She has had her teething bouts, her fussy times, and even a little attitude here and there. But nothing, until lately.

My little princess does not want to cuddle with me anymore! Sure, she likes to be held often and played with. But when she is tired, she does not want to snuggle and rock. It's like trying to hold a cat! She arches her back, moves her legs, constantly looking around. And I KNOW she is tired! I wondered if it was just her being over-tired, but I don't think that's the case either.

I used to rock her to sleep every night...but now I have to put her in her bed before she falls out of my arms from all of her moving around. That's not even the hard part .... after I put her down, she gets upset and has to cry for a while before she goes to sleep. Is this how other parents do it? Do they just put their children in bed at bedtime or naptime and allow them to cry themselves to sleep??

We didn't do much of that with Clayton, which may be part of the reason he is such a terrible sleeper even now. And she only cries about 5-10 minutes before going to sleep. I just feel bad that me walking out of the room while she is crying is the last thing she remembers before going to sleep! Makes a mommy sad!

So these are my thoughts on my wonderful, creative, and loving children! Is it all normal and am I still the greatest mom that I think I am?! :)

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