Patrick ~ Alexis ~ Clayton ~ Maecie ~ Lucie

Friday, January 27, 2012

Perfectly Pleased with Playdough

Oh, the simple things that make the kids smile, not fight, and be creative .... for a few minutes anyway!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Then to Now

It came to me while we were in a public restroom (One of my most hated places, by the way! Does anyone else scream "GERMS!" as soon as they walk in?? Doesn't matter how often they clean those places, I want a shower as soon as we enter one!) and Clayton was at the sink washing his hands. He was putting his hand under the soap dispenser, wondering why there wasn't any soap coming out. Apparently he hasn't been around long enough to see soap dispensers where you actually have to press the button to allow to soap to come out.

Holy cow! What a change in generations! What else will my kid not experience in their life time?

Well, for one thing, they may never hear the dial tone of a home phone. They will never hear the sounds of dial-up internet. Will they even know what a CD really is?

I got a new phone this week ... entered the smartphone world with an iPhone 4S. There are still ton of apps and operations that I don't know how to do. However, within minutes of spotting my new phone, Clayton was able to unlock it, find the Angry Birds icon that his Dad so kindly loaded, and began playing. So long to my phone! He now can earn time on my phone by following directions and completing small chores. (I have also made sure to have some educational games as well.)

It's even more amazing to me that I did not even get a cell phone until my senior year of high school! What other things will my kids' generation not experience? Amazing how technology advances so quickly!

Tea Time!

It was 6:00pm and the kids had finished dinner. All they wanted to do was watch TV. And I did not want them spending all evening in front of our big screen, sitting on the couch. I had at least an hour to "waste" before we start our bedtime routine. So what's a mom to do??

Duh! A Tea Party!!

I set up a small table, pulled out all of Maecie's tea set items, filled a dish with an assortment of cookies, and pulled out the dress up clothes. Maecie had a few scarves, purses, and tutus. But Clayton doesn't necessarily have dress up items. So I grabbed a dress shirt of his and a tie of Patrick's.

I then told the kids we would be having a tea party and the needed to come get dressed. It was easy to get Clayton in his dress up items. But all Maecie would agree to was a tutu. (The 'terrible two's'/Miss Independent stage is in full swing!)

Next, I opened the door to Maecie's room and had the kids take a seat. I spoke in my most proper English accent (with a bit of southern mixed in, mind you) and explained to them that we would have our treats and tea to partake of. We started out pretending and then came the real food.

That was when the kids got really excited! Who knew that water, animal crackers, Scooby Snack graham crackers, and a Hershey Kiss could be that thrilling?!

And apparently, Maecie wanted to dress up in Clayton's clothes, since this is what she

They had a ball, and so did I! It didn't take to much effort, as the end of my pregnancy is creating more exhaustion at the end of the day, and we spent some fun times together. Love my kiddos and their fun-loving attitudes!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Just a few of the things that have made me smile today:

I had just put breakfast on the table for the kids and was in the kitchen making my breakfast, when I hear this:
Clayton - Wait, Maecie! We have to say the blessing on the food first!
Maecie - okay
And then Clayton says a very sweet prayer over the food and for a good day. There are many times when saying a prayer can be a struggle. But when they actually want to do it on their own, without me even having to be in the room or prompt them, I can't help but smile!

Later, I offer Maecie a piece of banana. When she takes it, she says "Tank you, Mama!". This little girl is getting so big! And I love when they begin to put sentences together!

Even as a sit here and write this post, a smile crosses my face, because little Beare #3 is kicking away. She loves to let me know she is still there. And I'm excited to see her sweet face in less than 11 weeks!

I can't help but smile, because I am blessed with sweet and well-mannered (most of the time) kids!

Christmas with the Beare's

A little late posting (I guess pregnancy slows me down a bit)...but here our pictures from our Christmas adventures!

The kids with the ever-popular Santa at Bass Pro Shops!

The picture from our Christmas cards that almost did not happen since kids to do not always like to cooperate. But we made it and even sent them out before Christmas!

The kids making Christmas cookies ... this is a good example of how independent they have become and like to dress themselves. It's December and Clayton is sporting a too-small-for-him Halloween shirt. Maecie still has her tights on from church that day, while wearing two shirts, since (heaven help her) you can't assist in putting her clothes on!

The putting together of the Gingerbread House. And since Mom and Dad didn't read the instructions and let the icing set on the house for 15 minutes before adding the candy....

the house quickly sagged and eventually fell apart! But the kids had fun putting it together (and of course, eating a bunch of candy!)

As for Christmas morning, the kids actually slept in until about 7:30am! I guess I was a little more anxious to see their faces, as I was up at 6:30, constantly looking at the clock until I heard the first stirring of little noises and jumped out of bed!

The kids got to see what Santa brought first. They both received bikes and were quite excited! Santa was a little sneaky and put Clayton's bike behind the counter. So the first thing they saw was Maecie's tricycle. Clayton was excited for Maecie, but when I told him to turn around, he gasped, threw his hands up, and said "It's just what wanted!" Score one for Santa!!

Maecie decked out in her pink monkey pajamas, pink tricycle and pink helmet!Clayton in his guitar pajamas and Lightening McQueen bicycle!

Trying to get pictures by the tree in their nice Sunday outfits ... but we had to mix a little fun into it!

The best picture we could get of the whole family!

After opening presents from Mom and Dad ... which were all a total hit....Maecie loved her baby doll and accessories, Clayton loved his Transformers Rescue Bots ... we had to get ready for church! Then we spent the day with Grandma and Papa Beare and Beare cousins. We ate tons of food, opened more presents and played games. The day after, we went to Grammie and Grandpa Watkins' house for more presents and more food.

We enjoyed our Christmas together! Although Clayton didn't understand why Christmas was then over...since it didn't snow like in the movies. I just keep trying to reiterate that now we get to enjoy our toys and memories we made! But I'm afraid that won't really sink in for a few years.