Patrick ~ Alexis ~ Clayton ~ Maecie ~ Lucie

Friday, February 18, 2011


When I was a work-out-of-the-home mom, I spent my entire weekend trying to clean the house, do all of the laundry and yard work was an after thought. When I began staying home with the kids, I had to readjust my thinking. I wanted to have a clean house so when visitors just dropped by, I wouldn't be embarrassed. I wanted to be able to pick up the house once a day and have it stay that way. I wanted to be less stressed when the weekend came.

And then reality set it! I couldn't clean just once a day. Then I'm ALWAYS cleaning! And as I cleaned, I had little mess-makers trailing behind me to undo all I had just done.

So strategy #1 began. I would assign one cleaning task a day. Monday was laundry day, Tuesday was bathrooms, Wednesday was floors and so on and so forth. But then came the problems-I am cleaning everyday, ignoring my children because I have to get my cleaning chore done, and sometimes I'm not in the mood to clean the thing that is scheduled to be cleaned that day.

So I have a new strategy. Clean ONE day a week! Now, I'm not doing this under any false pretenses. I know that the dishes still have to be done and the floors swept and vaccuumed. However, if I take one day a week to clean the house from top to bottom, then I'm less likely to flake out, ignore my kids since I've spent quality time with them all week, and accomplish my goal.

Now for my next problem...and it's something I have been troubled with in all of my cleaning woes. What do you do with your kids when you are cleaning?? I hate turning on the TV in order to "entertain" them. And they generally can be distracted with a toy for about 10 minutes before losing interest. What do other mom's do? What are your cleaning strategies and woes?

The real reason I can't complete the laundry in a timely manner! :) A cute distraction, though!


  1. With my boys I usually have them "help" me clean. I will give them rags and a bottle with water in it and they can clean the baseboards, walls, really whatever they feel like. With the laundry I usually get several loads washed and dried and then I will dump them all out on the floor and the boys will have a treasure hunt. I will call out what I am looking for and they will search and bring it to me. They also LOVE to match up socks and fold hand towels. :)

  2. Oh, she is such a cute little distraction! I have no idea how to clean when little ones are awake. I cook dinner with Cara either mesmerized by Veggie Tales or clinging to my legs. I wish I had the answer or even a good suggestion! I would write the book about it and be a millionaire...

  3. Mandi - yes, clayton does help me by spraying as much as he possibly can and wiping off mirrors and windows. But he's still a little young to care about much else. And Maecie likes to undo everything I fold ... and then laughs about it! :)

    Jessica - I wish you had the answers too! haha

  4. I put Sunny down for a nap and turn on cartoons for Macey. I usually get about 2 hours of no interruptions to just attack what I can. Most of the time I have to do my mopping after they go to bed (I have WAY too much wood and tile!) I hate distracting them with t.v. too but she loves it and I try to limit how much she watches. I also get a lot done at night while they're in the tub!
