Patrick ~ Alexis ~ Clayton ~ Maecie ~ Lucie

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

No Bake = No Win!

I like to think of myself as a decent, avid baker. I can make bread, rolls, cinnamon rolls, cookies, cakes, etc.  I find baking to be therapeutic. Even more so, I  REALLY like love eating the fruits of my labors! However, with the summer heat, I don't always like to turn on the oven. Here enters no-bake-cookies. 

A No-Bake-Cookie is generally made with sugar, butter, peanut butter or pudding, milk, and oatmeal. Then you can flavor how you like with chocolate, coconut, peanuts, or any other addition you prefer. The possibilities are pretty endless. They are cooked on a stove and do not require baking since they have no flour or eggs. I have found some truly yummy recipes like seen here and here. And I've tried them. But for some reason, they don't work for me.

My first batch came out too dry. I decided I must have added too much oatmeal. My second batch came out too wet. They wouldn't set up. You couldn't even pick it up off of the wax paper. I don't think I allowed the wet ingredients to boil for the length of time required.

Hmmm ... so I gave it one more shot. 

The third time, I made sure the wet ingredients boiled as they needed to. I added the oatmeal just a little at a time so it didn't get too dry. Then spooned them onto the wax paper and waited. They set up ... they weren't too dry ... and after they cooled, I tasted one. It was then that I realized, I don't like them all that much. 

Sure it was sweet, it was a yummy combination of peanut butter and chocolate, and it didn't crumble in my fingers. Yet I just did not like them. To me, it wasn't a real cookie. There wasn't that crispy outer texture with a chewy center and melty chocolate chips that makes a cookie a cookie. It didn't satisfy my "cookie craving". I guess for me, no-bake-cookies are a no-win! Better heat the oven...

**I will say that they were a hit with the kiddos. Of course, there isn't much sugar they won't eat!! **

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