Patrick ~ Alexis ~ Clayton ~ Maecie ~ Lucie

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Halfway Point

Maecie has also reached a milestone! 6 MONTHS OLD!
I am SURE that the second child grows faster than the first. First, she cried!

Then, she SMILED....

Had her first Holiday....

Wore her first bathing suit!
Ate her first meal with a spoon!
And before too long, she will be crawling!

Happy Half Birthday, my sweet princess!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Your children are absolutely adorable!

  3. Thanks! I think so too! :)

  4. Alexis! Hey it's Meg....I figured out how to get onto your blog from mine, I had no idea you had a blog. I am so excited now I can "stalk" you and see you CUTE kids! I didn't even know you had another one :) They keep you busy huh? Cameron is 16mo old and we are just now ready to THINK about having another one! I hope we make it back to NC to visit soon....maybe our house will sell one of these days and we will come back to CELEBRATE!! It would be fun to see you again. Until then I will just keep up with your life on your blog.

  5. Hey Meg! I'm so glad you found me! Haven't had a blog for long ... just started staying home. Amber C and I were just talking about you the other day. I can't believe your house has not sold yet!! Send me a link to your blog on my email .. ... would love to catch up!
