Today, July 20th, my little boy turns 4 years old! Everyone says how quickly their children grow up and how they can't believe it has already been that long. Well, I am no exception to that group of parents! When my sweet boy was placed in my arms 4 years ago, I didn't know what I was doing, other than taking it one day at a time. And 4 years later, I can't say that much has changed in that department. But I can say that I have learned much and loved even more!

Clayton loves to read. He likes to get new books from the library, but definitely has his favorites that are his "go to buddies". One of these favorites is Guess How Much I Love You, where the child attempts to explain to the parent how much he loves them. With each example, the parents tops it off just a little more. And in the end, the child says, before falling asleep, that he loves the parents "to the moon." The parent agrees that it is a lot of love, but ends with loving him "to the moon and back." Well, Clayton likes to play his own 'I love you' game. We will go back and forth with 'I love yous' and if I use the line from the book, "I love you to the moon and back", he always responds with "I love you to the moon and front!" It is always a sure way to make me smile!

At the ripe old age of 4....
~Clayton has more energy than I can even muster some days. He is always ready for the next big thing. Whether it's making cookies with mommy or building something with daddy.
~He enjoys watching movies and his favorite tv shows and then reenacts them for us.
~He is a great big brother who almost always shares his toys, snacks, and food with his baby sister. I hope that continues!
~Clayton can count to 20, can spell his name, can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, and is VERY ready for pre-school in September. (Mommy is too!)
~Clayton never wants to be left out of the fun, even if it is an all girl party! He likes to be a part of it all!
I am so glad that God has entrusted him to me to teach, as well as to be my teacher! I love you to the moon and front, Clayton Daniel Beare!
Love, Mom
What a sweet post! Happy birthday, Clayton!