These four words were a dread to me, growing up. When I asked my parents why I couldn't go out with my friends, or why I had to clean my room, and their response was "Because I said so," I would just roll my eyes. I even swore I would never repeat those words to my children!
Because I said so. What does that mean anyway? That's just a cop out so you don't have to answer the question! All I wanted was a reason for something to occur. Was someone coming over and that's why I had to clean my room? Were we going somewhere as a family and that's why I couldn't go out with my friends? Come on, mom ... what was the real answer? I never knew since all that was said was "Because I said so."
Well as my oldest grows older, he loves to know the reason behind stuff. Like why the ants march in a line. Or why do we have to water the garden. For these questions, I give answers that explain as best as I possibly can.
However, there are times when he asks questions, and even when I give the appropriate response, he is still not satisfied and asks why. For example, when we had to search for the dog, I asked Clayton to get in the car. To which his response was, "Why?". I tried to explain that we couldn't find Daisy and needed to get in the car to find her, so please get in your seat. "But why do we need to find the dog?", he asks. And my explanation continues. This goes back and forth a few times and I was losing my patience. I needed to find the dog and he needed to do what I asked him to do. And before I knew it, the dirty words escaped my mouth. "Because I said so! Now get in the car please."
I had stooped down to that level! I answered my child's question with the most vague of answers. And I wasn't that upset about it. I didn't bite my tongue and think that I had turned into my mother (which isn't that bad of a thing to begin with!). It actually felt kind of good and Clayton's response was much more favorable than I thought it would be.
Yep, "Because I said so" is a pretty good reason after all. Why? Because I said so!