Patrick ~ Alexis ~ Clayton ~ Maecie ~ Lucie

Monday, November 22, 2010

30 Day Thank You ... Days 21 and 22

So this week is kind of nice. While I used to be one counting down the days to a few work-free-fun days, I am now unsure of what a "day off" entails. But VERY happy about it at the same time! So this morning, after going to the gym, I promised Clayton we would go to the park and play. It was nice because there are quite a few parks in the Charlotte area within a short driving distance. Nothing to rush off to, or worry about cleaning the house for, so we played until we were done. My thank you? I am thankful for these FREE public parks that are well-maintained and that my son loves to play at. It gives us a break from the mundane-ness of playing in the house or just the front yard. And usually they are covered in trees and walkways and just pretty nature.

Day 22 Thank you goes out to understanding mothers! Today, I commiserated with one mom who's husband had to work all weekend and didn't feel the difference between the weekend and a week day.
Another mother complimented Maecie's hairbow today and we discussed how important it has been to accessorize our daughters. It may see silly to some, but having just the right bow, pair of shoes or tights, can make her cute dresses and outfits even cuter. And don't all mom's want their children to be THE CUTEST?!
I then went to the store. And as I had loaded up my baby carseat and toddler into the shopping cart to head into the store, another mother, in my same predicament, was exiting the store. We gave each other sympathetic glances and she said "good luck!". Not necessarily because my children are bad or hers were bad, but just the everyday activities, like going to the store, are not easy. And when your child does scream because you won't buy every box of cookies they ask for, it's nice to have a smile from passing stangers, instead of dirty looks.
To all the mothers out there who are doing the best they can, you are a great mom! Way to go!


  1. Isn't it awesome when you can just look at someone else and know that they understand? I am jealous that you get to go to the gym! I'm going to get back there one day!

    And I completely agree about accessorizing the baby girls! They need to learn early! :-)

  2. So I really just go to the gym because it gives me a guaranteed break from the kids...haha .. that, and the weight isn't just dripping off like it should .. haha!

  3. I totally understand the glance and smile to passing strangers with kids . . its just something you cant understand until you have been there . . and then you never forget:)

  4. I am guilty of giving the dirty looks. But generally it is when the parent is ignoring the screaming child, the child is three aisles away from the parent, or there is some other obvious parenting faux pas going on. I know it is hard, but you decided to have them and I hate those awful parents that act like the whole world should be their babysitter and/or tolerate their kids misbehaving because they were too lazy to teach them that pulling jars off the grocery store shelves isn't ok. End of rant.

  5. that was Sarah- not Michael.. sorry- he was logged into his google account, so when I commented it said him instead!
