Thursday, December 23, 2010
First Snow 12/18/10
Friday, December 17, 2010
Can't Help But Smile!
Sibling Love ... well, at least for the moment!
Cute and smiley even with banana hair!
Love these smiling faces!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Clayton's favorite question is WHY. Usually this question is preceeded by me asking him to brush his teeth, or put his his pajamas on, or put his plate in the sink. To which I can only come up with one response, "because I said so". Right now, this is the only reason he will actually respond to. If I try to explain that the sun has gone down, which means it's bedtime, and thus he should put his pajamas on, he asks WHY again. So if I just say, "because I said so", then I waste less time.
Even more recently, Clayton has begun saying that things aren't fair. (Hence the picture of him yelling at me to stop taking pictures!) Like when it's time to clean up his art stuff or leave the house, he yells saying that it's not fair. I'm not one who is a fan of the "life's not fair" bit, but I have said that I am the parent and that's how it is going to be. I think he confused the word "parent" to "fair one", since one day he told me that he was the fair one. Interesting twist of words, I think.
So my question is, anyone else have a better response to the age-old question of "why"? And what other things do you catch yourself saying to your kids that you swore you never would?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Clayton in a box
We have a semi-contortionist on our hands!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 30!
1 lbs ground beef
1 lbs ground pork (i think your favorite ground meat will do)
4 T grated parmesan cheese
1 to 1 1/2 cups italian bread crumbs
3 large eggs
1 t salt
1/2 t black pepper
2 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1 T fresh basil, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 t dried oregano
4 oz fresh mozzarella, cut into 12 pieces
2 jars spaghetti sauce
2 pounds spaghetti noodles, cooked al dente
Combine meat, parmesan cheese, eggs, salt, pepper, garlic, basil, parsley, and oregano. Add bread crumbs to mixture 1/2 cup at a time until mixture is not too wet and can be molded into a ball. Make 12 meatballs. Make a hole in each meatball and place a piece of the fresh mozzarella inside, then mold over again.
Heat up a drizzle of olive oil in a large skillet. Place meatballs in skillet just until browned. Add meatballs to crockpot and pour spaghetti sauce on top. Cook on low for about 5 hours. Serve over spaghetti noodles.
I thoroughly enjoy cooking and when I can find an easy recipe that I can assemble, let cook, and still play with the kids.
As a reflection, I have enjoyed my 30-Day Thank You (thanks for the idea, Jessica!). Looking back, I have so much to be thankful for! And even though there were days that I really had to think and get creative with my thank yous, there is always something. So grateful for all of my blessings!
Monday, November 29, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 29
Is Christmas at your house??
November is almost over ... what are you most thankful for??
30 Day Thank You ... Day 28
Then, off to church we went, running a little behind schedule. Patrick's parents were there to hear him speak, so I had extra help to watch the kids. However, Maecie slept the whole time and Clayton was extremely well-behaved! He sat by my side, played with his etch-a-sketch, and didn't cause a disturbance.
Patrick wasn't the only one to speak, there were two other women who also gave talks. Being that we have 2 children, I don't normally get to hear the speakers. We spend a lot of time in the lobby or making trips to the bathroom. But with Maecie sleeping and Clayton quietly occupied, I was able to hear all 3 speakers. It was as if the meeting was made just for me!
The first speaker spoke about time...having time for your family, church, and loved ones. And not always worrying about having everything perfect. I am constantly worrying about keeping the house clean, dinner made and happy children. But I need to slow down and make sure I am making time for my family, prayer time, and the most important thing in my life.
The second speaker spoke on having an attitude of gratitude. When the house is a mess, or the dinner burns (or never gets cooked), or money is a little tight, it is better to be thankful for the things you do have. Strong, healthy children and a roof over our heads or "that crayons and play dough are non-toxic"! These two ladies helped me to realize that I am in a stage of my life, where my kids are my top priority, my house is lived in, and I need to be paying attention to the things that matter most - quality time!
Then Patrick spoke on the Holy Ghost and how it can be a comfort and a messenger. We need to be listening to the Spirit so we know what it is that we are to be doing.
So today, I am thankful that I was able to hear the speakers, know what my Heavenly Father has in store for me, and to remember that I'm not the only one! I am not the only one who struggles with the kids, the house, and balancing my life. But if I continue to listen to what Heavenly Father has for me, I will be blessed!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 27
30 Day Thank You ... Day 26
Thursday, November 25, 2010
30 Day Thank You .... Days 23, 24, and 25
Day 23 - I am thankful for Grandparents. My grandparents are wonderful, caring people who have always shown me great love and a great example. And now that I have children, I'm glad that their grandparents are just as awesome! I love that Clayton knows his grandparents, asks about them often, and when he sees them, runs to them, calling their name and gives them a 'slam hug'! (a slam hug is one where you are running as fast as you can, with arms outstretched, and don't stop until you slam into the one you want to hug.) It warms my heart that my children love their grandparents as much as I do!
Grandparents want to hold children, feed them, take them on play dates, and give me a much needed break! How awesome!! (did I say that already?)
Day 24 - I'm thankful for the gym. I headed to the gym today (the 24th) in hopes to work off my pre-Thanksgiving calories. We'll see how well that one works! However, the gym I attend offers childcare and I LOVE it! The workers in the childcare know my children by name. They smile when the kids come in. And my kids smile when they see the workers too! Maecie kicks her legs when they pick her up....Clayton talks Ms. Mindi's ear off about all the things he has done in the morning. I can work out without worrying about my children because I know they are in capable hands. So thank you gym and thank you to those helping me get to the gym (you know who you are!)
Day 25 - It's Thanksgiving Day! Meaning there are only a few days left in the month! And today, we are going to Florence and eating with extended family. This is probably the first holiday in many years that we have spent with extended family. Growing up, we had many holidays with aunts, uncles, cousins, and family friends. And as we got older, these family gatherings were few and far between. Now, they rarely exist. My siblings and I have spouses and children of our own, making it hard enough just to get the immediate family together.
So today, I am thankful for my extended family, our 'family gatherings' (that my parents used to make me go to and as a teenager i dreaded), and the fact that we can get together and continue to share stories, "memories", and eat wonderful food! Love my family!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Days 21 and 22
Day 22 Thank you goes out to understanding mothers! Today, I commiserated with one mom who's husband had to work all weekend and didn't feel the difference between the weekend and a week day.
Another mother complimented Maecie's hairbow today and we discussed how important it has been to accessorize our daughters. It may see silly to some, but having just the right bow, pair of shoes or tights, can make her cute dresses and outfits even cuter. And don't all mom's want their children to be THE CUTEST?!
I then went to the store. And as I had loaded up my baby carseat and toddler into the shopping cart to head into the store, another mother, in my same predicament, was exiting the store. We gave each other sympathetic glances and she said "good luck!". Not necessarily because my children are bad or hers were bad, but just the everyday activities, like going to the store, are not easy. And when your child does scream because you won't buy every box of cookies they ask for, it's nice to have a smile from passing stangers, instead of dirty looks.
To all the mothers out there who are doing the best they can, you are a great mom! Way to go!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 20
Homemade bread is just yummy! Especially straight out of the oven...
Oatmeal raisin cookies give off that sweet cinnamon smell when they bake...Patrick said they taste like a khashi bar, but there is way too much sugar and butter to be healthy!
And best of all ... orange rolls! Had these for the first time in college while visiting with my roommate's family for Thanksgiving and fell in love!
Oranges, cinnamon and bread ... thankful for these lovely fall smells and the ability to bake them! Now, who will help me eat all of this?!
Friday, November 19, 2010
30 Day Thank You...Day 19
Also, because of DVR, I have "The Cat in the Hat" or "Chuggington" or any of Clayton's other shows 'on demand' for the few times a day he gets to watch a show.
How did we ever have successful tv shows before the DVR??
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Why I Love Music!
An example of my love for music. This is an actual clip of one of my choirs (actually, my favorite all girls choir) that I taught. They were 7th and 8th graders at the time, but now are 10th and 11th graders. Of course there are some improvements that could have been made, but they made me cry this night!
30 Day Thank You .... Day 18
For example, words can be moving and inspirational. But when put to music, it can warm your heart and move you to tears. This can happen to me at church at any given moment. The words, the instruments, the voices, all coming together at just the right moment and I can just feel the goosebumps starting.
Consider Christmas music. No, Thanksgiving has not yet occurred, and yes, you can already find Christmas music in stores and on the radio. HOWEVER, there is no Thanksgiving music. I'm pretty sure that if there were, that is all you would hear. Instead, we begin listening to all of the great music out there to get us in the spirit of family, togetherness, and service. I'm one of those, that on a rotten day in July, I might be inclined to put in a Christmas cd and forget all of my worries. Christmas music makes you happy! Listen to it and get happy!
If none of those things express how important music is/can be, then consider a bad day. You are driving home from work/school/or an uncomfortable situation, and feeling sad or mad. Then your favorite song comes on the radio. Turn it up and see how quickly your mood shifts.
Music is so comforting that those who claim they don't listen to music are really missing out! Pretty sure that if some of our politician and school representatives would take the time to turn on the radio, visit the Opera/Broadway/Symphony, things could function just a little better.
So thankful for music in my life!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 17

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 16
A very proud little boy of his make-shift nest!
Monday, November 15, 2010
7 Months and Standing?!
30 Day Thank You ... Day 15

Sunday, November 14, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 14
The coolest thing was when I was able to upload Maecie's rolling over video online. Even family in Texas were able to view the event! How cool is that?!
So thanks technology gurus for all of your intelligence to make communication better!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
30 Day Thank You .... Day 13

Friday, November 12, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 12
Racing cars down the hallway...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 11

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 10
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 9
Monday, November 8, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 8

With two kids and a husband who makes a living from a "dirty job", I feel like I am FOREVER doing laundry. Just 3 years ago, we purchased an HE washer and dryer combo with drawer pedastals for them to sit on. And even though laundry is my least favorite chore (mainly because it is NEVER done), I am thankful to have items to do the hardwork for me!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 7
Saturday, November 6, 2010
30 Day Thank You .... Day 6
A sweet Charlie boy with is "awesome" dad, as we hang out at the restaurant!
Clayton and Maecie showing off all of their "tricks" to Aunt Shea, Uncle Tim, Aunt Annie and Uncle Adam
Friday, November 5, 2010
30 Day Thank You ... Day 5
It is truly Autumn, here in North Carolina. The colors of the leaves and the chill in the air attest to it. I find that as the seasons change, I am grateful for the beauty of nature and that I am able to experience all four seasons separately. You just can't get better than this gorgeous picture!
Picture courtesy of Expressions in Focus