Clayton is officially a Kindergartener! He was up and dressed before I could even turn around. He asked if it was time to go, but I suggested we eat breakfast first!
I think he asked a couple of more times if it was time to go, but I was able to hold him off with a chore or two. He happily fed the dog when asked. And I overheard him tell Maecie that while he was gone all day, she could take care of the dog!
Finally it was time to go and we had to take pictures...
I've got my backpack!
I want to go to school too, Mom!
Heading out of the door...
We made it to the school!
Mom did okay too ... a little twinge as I left him there, already working puzzles, with only a "Bye, Mom!" as I walked out of the door. And then the rest of my day was consumed with preparations to teach preschool music and trying to get the girls acclimated to new people. Maecie asked numerous times "where Bubba?" and when we left the preschool it was, "Let's go find Bubba!" I think she and I will have to adapt the most!
When it was time to pick up Clayton, we waited in line for 45 minutes (so hoping that gets better after the first week!), and he joined us in the car! "Hey Mom! School was GREAT!" That was music to my ears!
As dinner was cooking, Clayton and Maecie enjoyed some brother/sister time in the recliner watching cartoons. I hope every day goes as well!