Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Funny Food Habits
Well, I can honestly say, I don't have that problem with my children. I can make a platter of fruits and veggies and they will graze all day. They will fight over the last strawberry. And beg for cucumbers. But they do have some interesting food habits.
Clayton likes a sandwich with his crust cut off. Not an uncommon request for kids. However, the funny thing is that he likes the ends of the bread. Today he even requested that I make his sandwich with the ends. "That way you don't have to cut off the crust, because there isn't any.", claims the cute, logical 4 year old.
Both kids love ketchup. Again, not an uncommon thing. Yet, eating just ketchup is something they would both do if I let them. I have to monitor their ketchup intake or else it will become ketchup with a little bit of hot dog, versus a hot dog with ketchup.
Maecie loves peanut butter. She gets that from me since her Dad doesn't go near the stuff unless it's wrapped in chocolate. And even then he can say no. (Crazy man!) Maecie's interesting claim is that her peanut butter is not to be eaten with bread. No peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for her. Her peanut butter is not to be eaten on a cracker. Instead, peanut butter is to be eaten on a spoon. Just plain peanut butter on a spoon. Little Miss Independent will go to the kitchen, open the utensil drawer, get a spoon, and bring it to me saying, "A peanut butter!" When they are that cute, you can't deny such a request. And she will proceed to walk around, licking her spoon of peanut butter.
They may eat their fruits and veggies, even a salad (or what Clayton refers to as "combo stuff") will grace their plates. But how they consume their favorites have a definite list of requirements. What are your children's funny food habits?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
My Best Efforts
Making bread makes me extremely happy these days. Something about fresh-from-the-oven yeasty goodness brings a smile to my face!
Clayton got a new bed ... it's a loft bed so we could have maximum space in his new room! He's quite excited!
The "terrible twos" have reared their ugly head and I'm hoping it doesn't last long! This is what happens when you go on a walk and Maecie wants to hold the dog leash, even though it will result in her falling flat on her face, and you don't give in immediately. She knows how to work that pitiful look!
My Valentine's Day attempt. Tried to show some love and that's about all that I could come up with. We were on a low-key celebration this year. But Clayton thought it was the best! And sometimes, that's all that matters.
So just 4 weeks left, and I'm ready to go. We don't have a definite name (hoping it comes to us soon!) and I don't have all of my newborn clothes out yet. Nor have I bought diapers. (Pitiful, mommy!) But if she came tomorrow, I would be okay with that.