She may look cute, but this little pup is almost always in trouble!
When we leave the house for a time, if there is trash in the trash can, you can be rest assured that it will be on the floor when we return. This, I think, is to serve as punishment for not taking her with us.
Daisy has been a part of our family for almost 4 years. Patrick and I got her when I was pregnant with Clayton. She never acted much like a dog, sleeping in the bed with us, refusing to play fetch, and jumping in the car every chance she could to go for a ride.
However, she has always been a good watch dog. She barks when people are at the door, when people drive into the driveway, even when they are just walking down the street. She lets us know when to be on alert.
Of course, this does have it's downside. For example, this afternoon, she barked at the UPS man. Not that it bothered the UPS man or me. BUT it did wake up Maecie from her nap. A nap that is so precious because it usually last 2-3 hours in the afternoon and that's all of the sleep she gets before bed time. Waking her up from her nap resulted in a cranky Maecie, a cranky mommy and a dog in time out.
Love her ... she cuddles well ... and keeps you warm on a cool evening. But sometimes, she's the culprit!